Our company, KAMI PROFIT, Ltd. became a member of the Hispanic – Slovak Chamber of Commerce in June 2016 and later a member of the Slovak – Austrian Chamber of Commerce in September 2016. Both chambers are independent associations of legal and natural person that have been founded in order to support the business and economic relationship between businesses from the stated countries. The membership in these chambers provides our company with the chance to participate in various events that are organised by the chambers of commerce, e.g. the upcoming Speed Business Meeting that is going to be held 4th October 2016. This kind of meetings gives the participants a unique opportunity for the presentation of their products and services within a 10-minute personal meeting, as well as the chance to discuss potential cooperation.
You can download the newest issue of the monthly magazine of the Slovak – Austrian Chamber of Commerce FlashNews 10/2016 here: FlashNews_10_2016_sk