Construction: Reconstruction of the shelter above the racks PHM na ČSPHM SHELL
Location: Bratislava – Karloveská street
Type of construction: Renovation
Activity: General contractor
Start of construction: 19. jún 2017
End of construction: 24. jún 2017
Project manager: Ing. Marek Eliáš
Our company KAMI PROFIT, s.r.o. As a general contractor started on June 19, 2017 with the reconstruction of the shelter above the PHM stands at ČS SHELL, Karlovská ul. in Bratislava. Reconstruction of the shelter consisted in anchoring OSB boards to an existing trapezoidal top shell, which was badly damaged by the weather. The Tatratex geotextile was then attached to OSB boards. Fatrafol fastened on the geotextile, which was sealed. After the roof was insulated, roof rails were added and we adjusted the roofing of the roofs.