Our colleagues took part in the 70th annual national race Devín – Bratislava. The race was 11 625 meters long. Our men kept up with our pretty ladies. There were approximately 6500 runners in the race. It was divided into Malý Devín (shorter) and Veľký Devín (main race). Our colleagues achieved great results. Nika Čorbová finished phenomenal second among ladies and her time was 00:40:07. Nika was interviewed after the race: http://m.behame.sk/cestne-behy/corbova-chcela-byt-najrychlejsia-zo-sloveniek-vydarena-bronzova-premiera-verbovskeho. Simona Skirkaničková finished 132nd in the category ladies. Michal Čemez finished 974th and Matúš Líška 1886th among men.
We would like to thank our colleagues for a wonderful representation and we hope to see each other again at the next event.